
inception phase study for the dfid promoting pro-poor opportunities through commodities and service markets (PROPCOM) PROGRAMME

Project year:


Client Name:

Chemonics International

NNF was involved in identifying agricultural commodities, related production centres, and specific interventions which formed the focus of the programme’s initial efforts during its second Phase. NNF specifically studied the cassava and cashew sectors. Activities under this study included the identification of key stakeholders in the cassava commodity chain and related service markets; identification of business support services (BSS) providers at centres of commodity production and activity; identification and proposition of interventions in the cassava commodity chain; identification of potential ‘delivery mechanisms’; and the preparation of the proposed budget for the intervention.
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NNF mobilizes resources from international development and UN Agencies, Nigeria private and public institutions, federal and state governments and other sources that may be available to undertake development activities.

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