Socio-economic Impact Assessment of Banning Two- wheelers in Kano Metropolis
The Kano Urban Transport Project Office (KUTPO) through the Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA) contracted New Nigeria Foundation to conduct a study on the socio-economic impact of banning two-wheeler operations in Kano Metropolis. The study aimed at appraising the socio-economic impact of the ban on both commuters and current and former operators of commercial transport within the metropolis. The project was funded by the World Bank through the International Development Association (IDA) Fund.
July 2014
Kano Transport Project Office (KUTPO) and Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA)
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) Value Chain Study
NNF was contracted as consultants by CONTEXT, an American Business management and strategy consulting firm to conduct a cross-crop value chain analysis for 6 commodities namely: sorghum, millet, maize, cowpea, groundnut and plantain in the North West, North Central and South West Nigeria. The study identified the constraints confronting the actors along the value chain with the aim of strengthening the agricultural value chain for the benefits of all stakeholders including input providers, farmers, traders, processors and users etc. NNF reviewed some relevant out growers’ scheme for the commodities and proposed a business model that was mutually beneficial to the small holder farmers and processors. The outcome of the study was largely used to design the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Agricultural intervention plan for Nigeria.
October 2014 to January 2015
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The Vegetable Enterprise Value Chain Development Project in Ajara Farm Settlement in Badagry
The Vegetable Enterprise Value Chain Development Project in Ajara Farm Settlement in Badagry, Lagos state was a social investment project by British American Tobacco Nigeria Foundation (BATNF). The project sought to support improvement in agricultural productivity and incomes of small holder farmers through capacity building, access to market information and linkages. BATNF commissioned NNF to carry out a market study with the aim of identifying factors that influence the sales of tomatoes and vegetables in various markets in Lagos State.
The study examined various aspects of marketing tomatoes and vegetables including requirements in sourcing vegetables, current sources of supply, quantity and various types of vegetables demanded, pricing and delivery requirements, trading practices and transportation issues.
June –July 2014
British American Tobacco Nigeria Foundation (BATNF)
Forum for Inclusive Nigerian Development (FIND)
This project was jointly implemented by NNF and Consensus Building Institute (CBI), a U.S.-based non-profit organisation, with the aim of establishing a multi-stakeholder Forum to promote effective and efficient use of oil and gas revenues for development in Nigeria. The Forum brought together diverse and influential Nigerian leaders with backgrounds in government and politics, business and economic development, community empowerment, academia, religion, culture, and media. The Forum also identified obstacles and explored opportunities for making better use of oil revenue by creating partnerships and acting as a coalition to promote new policies and initiatives with government, business, civil society and other stakeholders.
2013 (On-going
Ford Foundation
Participatory Summative Evaluation of ADVANCE (Advocacy, Awareness and Civic Empowerment) programme of PIND Foundation
The ADVANCE project was to advocate for an enabling economic environment and carry out civic education and awareness on peace building, transparency and accountability and community participation in government. PIND Foundation requested NNF to design and implement a participatory evaluation of the ADVANCE programme which had been run from May 2011 to March 2013. The objective of the evaluation was to help PIND and its stakeholders to maximize learning through the process of participatory evaluation and to capture the extent of impacts of the programme through this learning opportunity. The project was successfully implemented through collection of data using KIIs and FGDs and a participatory stakeholder analysis of the data.
PIND Foundation
Participatory Strategic Review of PIND
The Foundations for Partnerships Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) is a Nigerian non-profit foundation providing support for socio-economic development programmes in the Niger Delta region. After four years of operations, PIND sought to evaluate its activities to have an informed strategic direction and identify opportunities for continued development. A wide range of stakeholders were interviewed on their views on the operations of PIND through KIIs and FGDs.
PIND Foundation
Design and Implementation of Participatory Stakeholders Evaluation of the Leadership, Empowerment, Advocacy and Development (LEAD) programme in River State
The LEAD programme is a local governance strengthening programme jointly funded by USAID and PIND in Rivers state. The goal was to create sustained momentum towards improving local governance in Nigeria by building accountable and effective local governments through capacity building of local government and civil society for improved service delivery in Nigeria. The programme was implemented in 3 LGAs in Rivers state and NNF designed and implemented an evaluation process that brought together stakeholders and beneficiaries for interactive dialogue and collective learning that informed the review of the implementation of the programme.
PIND Foundation
Market Development in the Niger Delta (MADE)
The Nigeria Market Development for the Niger Delta Programme (MADE) is a DFID supported project aimed at promoting livelihoods in Nigeria through value chain (cassava, oil palm, poultry, aquaculture, recycling and agro inputs) promotion to increase economic growth, employment and incomes. The programme is targeted at the nine states in the Niger Delta region (Abia, Akwa Ibom, Bayela, Cross River, Delta, Edo, Imo, Ondo and Rivers states). It utilised the Making Markets Work for the Poor (M4P) approach to ensure that interventions are pro-poor and inclusive of vulnerable groups, working in close collaboration with the extractive industries to support community engagement. NNF partnered with DAI in providing logistics and technical support for the programme at the design and implementation stages. NNF was also a member of the MADE Technical Advisory Board.
2013 -2018
Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI)
Sourcing and Organizing Local Niger Delta Specific Content for NDLink Website
The project involved gathering of development contents for the establishment of information and communication platform for development actors working in the Niger Delta region. The website, which is now operational, provides information on development issues and activities in the Niger Delta region including news, programmes, job opportunities, projects being implemented, etc.
Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND)
Training on Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation for BATNF Staff
The two-day training programme aimed at building the capacity of BATNF staff in planning and managing sustainable development projects. The training focused on developing monitoring and evaluation plans, conducting baseline studies, needs assessment, impact assessments of development projects and introduction to value chain analysis.
British American Tobacco Nigeria Foundation (BATNF)
Needs Assessment for BATNF in Lagos, Oyo, Kwara, Rivers and Ondo states
The needs assessment targeted small holder farmers in seven communities: (Ajara Farm Settlement in Badagry, Lagos state; Otte in Kwara state; Ogbooro, Igboho and Otu communities in Oyo state; Emuoha in Rivers state and Akure in Ondo state). The specific objectives included: investigating the demographic status of the respondents; examining the socio-economic status of the respondents; establishing baseline socio- economic data of the respondents; probing and establishing the critical economic challenges and needs of the respondents; classifying in order of importance and preference areas of possible agricultural interventions in the areas; and identifying project beneficiaries/stakeholders at each of the potential project locations.
British American Tobacco Nigeria Foundation (BATNF
Assessment of Needs of Disadvantaged Groups in Accessing Public Transport Services on Mile 12 to Ikorodu Town BRT Corridor
The goal of this study was to assess the needs of the disadvantaged groups (women, the elderly, children and the physically challenged) residing or carrying out business activities along Mile 12 to Ikorodu town BRT corridor and determine the role that transport plays in their lives. The specific objectives included: examining the travel behaviour of people in the proposed BRT corridor with special focus on disadvantaged groups; identifying and quantifying specific transport constraints faced by these groups of persons in their performance of day to day activities; and examining social and economic dimensions of the social groups whilst accessing transport infrastructure and services in Lagos. The exercise was carried out using Key Informant Interviews, Focus Group Discussions, and enumerative survey.
Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA)
Study on Car Ownership along Mile 12 To Ikorodu Town (BRT Corridor)
The study focused on car owners living along the Mile 12 – Ikorodu town and their willingness to patronize public transport services. The objectives of the study included determining the proportion of sampled public transport patrons that own cars or motorcycles, as well as why patrons do not use their vehicles when they are available for specific journeys.
Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA
Baseline Socio-Economic and Demographic Survey of Akin Adesola and WEMPCO Roads
The baseline socio-economic and demographic survey of Akin Adesola road in Victoria Island and WEMPCO road in Ikeja area of Lagos state was to determine key performance indicators for measuring outcome/impact indicators by which the achievement of the project development objectives (PDOs) will be measured. The scope of work for the project includes repair/ rehabilitation of defects on carriageways, road surface drainage systems and construction of roads, as well as refurbishment and provision of street lights. The project is part of the Lagos Urban Transport Project (LUTP II) being implemented with support from the World Bank through the International Development Association (IDA) Fund.
Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA)
Socio-Economic Baseline Survey of Transportation from Mile 12 to Ikorodu Town (BRT Corridor)
This baseline study presents an update of existing transport demands of a sample of residents along Mile 12 to Ikorodu town. Survey tools and a framework for a Management Information System were developed to monitor changes in transport patterns and transport user satisfaction along the corridor. The study classified vehicles in the study routes, determined speed of the vehicles on the roads before rehabilitation, during rehabilitation and after rehabilitation, identified bottlenecks and issues impeding traffic on the corridor as well as key performance indicators.
Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA)
Power to the People: Community owned energy in the Niger Delta
NNF managed a ‘gas to power’ project which aimed at utilising associated gas, either from a flow station or an oil well through a micro turbine, to generate electricity for domestic and small business consumption. The project was to deploy a 0.5 MW gas turbine to produce and distribute electricity to about 3,000 households and 500 small businesses as well as 5 health centres and 6 schools. The project design entailed a strong community ownership element: the entire assets and operations were to be managed and maintained by a community-based utility company to be owned by the community. Significantly, the intent of the project was to give communities a real stake in oil production in the region.
2012 – 2014
Living Earth Foundation (LEF) With support from EC, DFID and SPDC
Initiative Triple E Project: Preparing Students of Secondary Schools to excel in SSC Examinations in Chevron Western Operations
The project sought to improve the performance of students in the Secondary School Certificate Examinations in Chevron Western operation areas over a 2-year period. The two-year project involved preparing students of 20 schools in Delta and Ondo states for the secondary school national examinations. Project components include training of teachers and school administrators, improved access of students to relevant educational resources, tests in relevant subjects, etc.
2012 – 2014
Chevron Corporation, USA (in collaboration with CNL)
Multi – Stakeholder Committee for Addressing Claims from KS Endeavour Rig Fire Incident occurred which at NNPC/Chevron Nigeria Limited’s Funiwa field, Bayelsa State
Chevron Nigeria Limited constituted an independent Multi-Stakeholder Committee (MSC) to manage the process of addressing all issues around the claims from various communities and individuals in Bayelsa State and beyond with respect to the KS Endeavor rig fire incident at CNL’s Funiwa field on 16th January 2012; establish the nature of the likely impacts, if any, on communities’ livelihood, individuals, etc. of the incident; evaluate and assess the claims made by individuals and communities with respect to the incident with the intent to reach amicable resolution; make recommendations to CNL on the best ways to amicably address and resolve claims arising from the incident; make recommendations to CNL on the best ways to sustain excellent host community/operator relationship beyond the incident; and make recommendations to CNL on the best ways to acknowledge those who supported the rescue team on the incident. The MSC was chaired and facilitated by the MD of NNF. The Foundation also provided Secretarial support for the MSC.
July – October 2012
Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL)
Poultry Value chain analysis in the Niger Delta
This study sought to understand the systemic constraints poultry producers in the region had. This is with a view to identifying growth potential for large numbers of small enterprises and where improved access to markets and services can result in increased profitability and greater incomes for people in the region.
Partnership Initiative for the Niger Delta, PIND
Community Medical Assistance Programme in KEFFES RDC
NNF coordinated the entire logistics and facilitated the execution of Community Medical Assistance Programme for 8 KEFFES Regional Development Council (RDC) Communities in response to the fire incidence at Chevron Nigeria Limited, Funiwa Gas Field in Bayelsa State.
Chevron Nigeria Limited