
bill and melinda gates foundation (bmgf) value chain study

Project year:

October 2014 to January 2015

Client Name:

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

NNF was contracted as consultants by CONTEXT, an American Business management and strategy consulting firm to conduct a cross-crop value chain analysis for 6 commodities (sorghum, millet, maize, cowpea, groundnut, and plantain) in the North-West, North-Central and South-West Nigeria. The study identified the constraints of all the actors along the value chain with the aim of strengthening the value chains to the benefit of all stakeholders.  The outcome of the study was largely used to design the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Agricultural intervention plan for Nigeria.
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NNF mobilizes resources from international development and UN Agencies, Nigeria private and public institutions, federal and state governments and other sources that may be available to undertake development activities.

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