The Managing Director, and CEO, of New Nigeria Foundation (NNF), Prof. Obafemi Ajibola, led a team of NNF to facilitate the 2024 Participatory Strategic Review (PSR) for PIND Foundation. The objective of the PSR was to review progress and determine PIND’s growth path for continued fidelity to its mission, value creation to stakeholders, and ensure its long-term sustainability. The PSR evaluated the impact of implementing PIND’s 2020 to 2024 strategic plan from a broad spectrum of stakeholder perspectives and shaped a new strategic roadmap from 2025 to 2029.
Several stakeholders including the Board of Trustees (BOT) and staff of the Niger Delta Partnership Initiatives (NDPI); Board of Trustees (BOT), former and current staff of PIND; Government officials; Professional Bodies; stakeholders that benefitted directly from the projects; Academic/Research Institutions; Civil Society Organizations (CSOs); Implementing Partners; Donor/investors; management and staff of Chevron Corporation and Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL); and the media participated in the PSR. The process involved various activities, including data collection through interviews, focus group discussions, social media survey, and secondary data from in-house reports and evaluations conducted since 2019.
The PSR analysed the continued relevance of PIND’s mission and its value-creation capability for diverse stakeholders, assessed and analysed stakeholder perceptions and expectations of PIND, examined the scope, structure (approaches, design, integration, people & processes, etc.) and impact of PIND’s programs to determine priority and set funding levels for the future, harvested findings and recommendations from various organizational and program assessments to inform the development of a new strategic plan, and obtained ideas and recommendations on how best to ensure PIND’s sustainability.
A total of 162 Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), and 16 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were undertaken, while 130 people responded to the survey on social media platforms. The PSR interviews and meetings took place in Nigeria (Lagos, Abuja, Warri, and Port Harcourt) and the United States of America (covering stakeholders from Chevron Corporation). Virtual sessions were held where face-to-face interactions were either impossible or a challenge.
The 2024 PIND’s PSR process which commenced in February 2024 was successfully concluded in May.